In the framework of the EU-supported project “Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia”, implementing partner organization People in Need (PIN) and Kazbegi Local Action Group (LAG) announce the second round of grant competition for approved
Second Stage of EU-supported Rural Development Grant Competition is Announced in Kazbegi
Second Stage of EU-supported Rural Development Grant Competition is Announced in Kazbegi
In the framework of the EU-supported project “Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia”, implementing partner organization People in Need (PIN) and Kazbegi Local Action Group (LAG) announce the second round of grant competition for approved applicants in Kazbegi municipality.
The Purpose of the Grant Call:
The purpose of the grant call is to fund projects, which improve the standard of living and socio-economic situation in Kazbegi based on the priorities and objectives of the Kazbegi Development Strategy 2016-2020 developed by LAG Kazbegi.
Please see grant manual, for detailed information on the grant competition requirements and procedures.
Deadline for applications is 5th of April 2018. The hard copy of applications must be submitted. Address: Stepantsminda, Vaja-Pshavela st#1. People in Need - Kazbegi office.
During March 31st and April 1st Interested applicants can receive individual consultations with invited business experts at Kazbegi office in Stepantsminda, Vaja-Pshavela Street #1, or via following contacts:
Nino Alibegashvili, Project Assistant - 595 880 063
Nana Avsajanishvili, Field Coordinator - 558 269 604
Shota Sabauri, Field Coordinator - 591 021 954
Tariel Karelidze, Project Officer - 595 177 079
All necessary information regarding the grant competition will be placed at the following web pages: ENPARD official website, People in Need (PIN) website, Kazbegi LAG web-page: and the Kazbegi LAG Facebook page (Local Action Group in Kazbegi – L A G).
Please see attached following grant competition documents:
• Kazbegi Strategic Priorities
The project “Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia” is the continuation of the pilot rural development project (II phase), which had been implemented by People in Need (PIN) in Kazbegi municipality since 2015. The project is supported by EU under the European Neighborhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD).